Unfillial daughter...

Just the other day i saw his "oh so irritating face" flashing through the room remarking on every flaw he see in me. How annoying is that?

Just the other day i shouted at him for throwing my bag away and he stared at me hurling the worst a man can ever speak. How rude is that?

Just the other day he called me and asked where i was and asked how come im not home yet when im at a friend's party and he demanded me to come home. How unreasonable is that?

Just the other day he commented on my clothes on the floor and my shoes thats all over the place and talked about it the rest of the day. How naggy is that?

Just the other day he didnt wanna give me money to buy my things and complained about me spending so much money. How stingy is that?

But today,
No matter how rich i am, how successful i would be or how clever i will get,
i can no longer hear his voice nor see his "oh so irritating" face, again.

For he has departed from our world.
But i know, he will always be there.
Not physically, but mentally.
In our hearts...

Rest in peace, beloved father.


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