
Today went to dhoby for lesson. No vlog! Too tired!
After lesson went to shop around Plaza Sing with Apple.
No pictures with her, she;s pretty shy.
Went to X zone walk around and saw Hui Min.
Took pictures with her.
After that went up to grab a drink.
While walking to PlazaSing, got 2 cubicle beside TCC.
One of them occupied by this girl calling for help, need toilet paper.
Her head was half sticking out of the toilet door.
She point to the cubicle beside and ask me help her take toilet paper.
I see her very ke lian cause alot ppl walk pass all these dun care her.
So i told apple "She very ke lian leh" Then i went to open the other cubicle to get toilet papers for her.
But while i was reaching in for the toilet paper.
Some guy in black popped out from the fucking toilet bowl.
(The lid was closed when i open the toiler door)
So... i was freaked out and i screamed like so loud can.
So i knew it was a stupid sick joke.
I laugh so hard and was so shocked.
The girl came out of the cubicle and act one innocent say "What happen?"
SIMI SAI, so fake can. So i keep laughing and told her "It was a good one"
So she smile and say, "You're on Just For Laughs Singapore, You're on tv"
LOL WTF. i tell you, i totally laugh my ass off.
Cause it was fucking funny and scary.
They ask me to fill up some form.
And then i went to meet isaac and ben while apple wait for her friend to come by.
Shop around with isaac and went to "NOISE" or something at far east.
Some photography display. Ben's work was published. :D
After that wilson came to have dinner with me.
After walking me home,he went home.
End of story.

im fucking tired, thats why im typing like sentence by sentence. lawl.


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