hello fattys

Today blur pics is the win.
so not many pictures to be posted up.

Met min min at Kallang mrt station and then we went to wait for bus 11 to the leisure park but we end up spending 45mins waiting for a pathetic bus to a place that is 4 stops away from our destination.

Met Marcus and Joel and we had kfc for lunch while joel went to emo in some corner of the arcade. *Inserts rolling of eyes here.
We decided not to skate because there were hell lotsa people due to school holidays and it really sucked especially if you dont really know how to skate and there are so many people? :s
So we all brought our socks for nothing. LOL.
Went to the arcade and played some games.
Played time crisis 2,
I was left with 6 lifes when joel died :D
pro huh.

We decided to watch a movie, and so minmin picked a movie called watchman?
it was 2.5 hours long and we 4 almost died there. LOL.
its a dumb show. HAHA.

Afterso we walked around and there's a pet shop with a HUGE RABBIT!
Min min say its a hare. LOL. wtfsia. seriously bigger than silky loh.
I bought treats for my silky there. :DDDDDDDDD

MMM, Joel decided to go home first so the 3 of us went to town. (;
Min filled up some application form at marcus work place and we ate at macdonalds.
and went homeeeeeeeee.

:) Thats all for today, im so tired. omfg.


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