Part 1.


Part 2.


i actually made part 2.
Enjoy :)
All real life happenings. LOOL.


Videos made are really based on how i feel and think.
And people inside and our conversation really happened too.
No fakes :)
Except some added humour.
:) Heh.
My vid took 8hrs.
2nd vid took 4hrs.

Lots of frames.
Simple programmes used.
Paint & Windows movie maker.

Tsk: Vid really meant how i felt. :(
Xin hen luan, Tou hen tong, Yan yao liu.
is the feeling i felt.
Jealousy or Blessing.

I should give hmi my blessings since he found wad he wanted.
:) Sometimes. Missing someone hurts.
But i`ll forced myself to do it.


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