Hmmm. Making friends with everyone and later on commenting about them = Wrong. Not making friends with everyone and later on commentnig about them = Wrong. Which one correct ah?
Showing posts from November, 2010
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When everyone else is doing the same thing, its funny how people can find fault with you. Wonders of life. Mmmm \m/ Moved to sengkang alreadyyyyyyyy. No more sleepless nights, back to my sem 1 mode! Damn, dont i love motivation :) PS : Happy birthday my cousin, You're right about pretentious people!
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Mad busy this weekend. Saturday ; Flames award. It was quite cool as there was the red carpet, the "papparazi", the crazy instant photobooth, pop corns and a cute little registeration booth. Didnt stay for the after party , awww im such a good girl :D Went home and fell asleep after waiting for my family to come home. They went to the circus earlier and cant stop praising it lol hahaha. It was a great day and the reason why i had to sleep early was because i had to go to cineleisure to gather information for my article :( Peesh, i was suppose to go on the day the flames award is on as well, but i was too tired to shuffle between two places. :s Sunday ; Information gathering. Woke up so early just to head over to cineleisure for the event. Did lots of interviews and had so much fun acting like a journalist lulz. Had the information i needed and went home. Was in an extremely bad mood because the weather was being a bitch and everyone is pissing me off then. Slept super early, ...
If pain was beauty, i'll be fucking beautiful.
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It was suppose to be a great week considering the fact that everyone's happy, so why shouldn't I be? My grades are drastically affected by my lack of sleep and i can never seem to pay attention like how i loyally was back in semester 1. I am just restless and disinterested all the time and maybe disoriented could join the description. I am a mess. Perhaps it was the new change of class environment or maybe the lack of sleep i am getting. Work has taken a toll on me mentally and draining almost everything i have left. I used to wonder how can anyone sleep in classes, but now i am doing it so frequently i lost count of how many times i doze of during third meeting. Shame on me. I don't know why the change after semester one, but i figured everything should be better after i shift to a new environment. Guess what? I am jobless now, so i shall go look for one again. No longer giving tuition, maybe i should go work at a shop, hahaha, perhaps something for weekends instead of wee...
Make them laugh!
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Today started off terrible. My neck and shoulder area was... i dont know what word to use for it. Its just in pain and i can't exactly move it at all ); I just kept whining and venting it out at S. Poor boy... Sometimes i think im such as asshole to him. But he was kind enough to understand that i am in so much pain and he bought me panadol and yoko yoko . Speaking of yoko yoko brings back memories...Hahaha...Nevertheless, thank you my dear! :) I dragged myself to the cinema to watch HP since we bought it the day before. Harry Potter 7 part 1 was a disappointment - again. It was boring and totally different from the book just like how HP 6 was. Not going to be a spoiler for those who haven't watched it. I love Harry Potter, i just felt that they could have done better with this movie. But frankly, i cant wait for the last of the saga. I guess i just love watching the cast of HP in action over and over again (Y) Major heart for Emma Watson. Went home and drowned myself in ...
Play the right cards.
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Relationship. Love is not complicated. It is a simple feeling someone will feel towards a special being. It can come in many forms, just like how people can come in so many personalities. It can be expressed in many ways, be it a physical display or an emotional addition. It is mistaken as a game by many simply because there are usually more than just 2 players on the board. Love would have been a simple word to use if people would just keep to 2 cards. Love has been made complicated by generations and generations, and the best thing is, we never realize that we're complicating it. Love is not a responsibility but a willingness, an urge to protect and ensure that your special being is happy and safe. It is not something that comes and go, not something we call a game. We all know that feeling changes over time. Be it boredom, distractions, temptations, left with no choice etc. But the magical thing about love is, it never changes. It will only grow stronger, unless it is betrayed, ...
Its you...
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You know what I want? I want to be someone’s reason for waking up, someone’s reason for going through another day. Just once, I want to be the one being wished for, I want a guy to say to himself, ‘I’m so lucky to have her.’ To put it simply, I want to be someone’s everything. Baby, i love you.
I love owls!
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Had the most, disgusting chicken chop at plaza sing's food court. I kinda feel cheated y'know :( Oh well. Had the nicest starbucks drink ever! Chocolate chip cream! Must try!!! Went back to Daiso to check if the raincoats for dogs have L sizing. Thankfully, they do! And in my favourite colour! :) How cute!!! Tried Gong Cha and it SUCKS damn badly. PUKEZ x 100000. The staff is pathetic and the drinks are nowhere compared to Hong Kong. Aw how i miss Hong Kong!! :) Watched a movie! Legend of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole Its a really nice movie with a whole lot of awesome scenes. I like it! 4/5 Stars! S's kinda tired today so we went home after that! I hope he get well soon... (; Random Joke from the movie ; Knock knock! Who's there?! Owl. Owl Who? Thats right! Owls hoo! loooooooool major funny.
What's your worth?
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Hi, i've decided that today, perhaps i should talk about myself. The other day, through words, i heard someone commenting that i gave her death glare when she waved to my boyfriend. Just to clarify, i didn't specifically give the person the death glare. Its just how i look at people. I don't really care if you wave to my boyfriend or not, cause honestly, who are you? You're so insignificant that i won't even "give the death glare" You happen to be in the same IG as me, same course. But thats it, and i don't have to wave to you just because so. I don't have to smile at you and pretend that you're my friend because you are not. And i have no intentions to make you, for now. Unless we become classmates in future and when you become more significant, perhaps i would think about it. Come on la, who want to give you death glare? My death glare is reserved for people i love or hate. You don't even make it pass my friend's list, how to give you...
Tangles in your hair.
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Happy Deepavali to all my indian friends!! Purple packets for them to collect while visiting. Sooo exciting right? :D Went out with S on this public holiday and we caught the widely anticipated Adele!! It was... okay. 3/5! Funny, but the whole show was practically about a girl obsessed with trying to save her sister. Ate at the Hong Kong cafe!!! He had his gong zai noodle and i ate fried rice. Okay laaaa. So so only (Roll eyes) I seriously miss HK... :( Next time when i pay off all my debts then i go hahaha. Went to Daiso and we bought dog clothes for Silky, she is a happy girl! :D Bought umbrellas too! Hehe so cuteeee! Went home and that all for that dayyy! :)
You know...
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This post is dedicated to my cousin, the cousin that is my role model. (I wrote it on a letter, but i never had a chance to give it to her because she was so busy and i think she might just scream at me anytime...) Dear ZZ jie , When you walked down the aisle, i cant help but to feel that every inch of my body was filled with joy and deeply inside me, i pray that you will be happy throughout your life. Special people like you and the people in your family like Cat jie , Da yi , and uncle are people who i am willing to give up 20 years of my life for just to see each of you healthy and happy. You guys are just that special to me. Maybe I'm not the type that can portray my feelings through my actions, but i sincerely mean what i say. You have a huge impact on my life. I am not too sure what the reason was, perhaps it was because i had once stayed with you. But yes, during the process of growing up, i learnt alot from you. I learnt that you cannot let anyone bring you down, you hav...