I hate myself for being so last minute all the time, i have a video to render and sony wont work on me. Seriously? My editor has gone missing, and the i have a deadline to rush, hopefully by the weekend. Im so irritated because i got "uninvited" to an important meeting but who am i to blame? It was my fault in the first place. I need to get a stupid CD to finish my job and in a month's time, its going to be played on the big screen. The video is almost complete and a few more finishing sound effects and touches would be perfect. I cant wait! :)

UT4 was tough, no doubt. I was struggling throughout the paper and i guess i'll not excel in that. But all i can do now is pray that things are not so bad. Semester 2 soon, so many roles to play, so many things to do.

I need to get an organizer for 2011. I feel like my life now is in a mess for hell's sake. I have favourite shows to watch every Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday! :) I loveeee CW!

You see that girl staring into space? If you were to ask what’s wrong, she would say nothing, when in reality it’s everything. She’s sitting there wondering what she did wrong, what she could have done differently, how she would have changed it if she had the chance. And if she had the chance to go back and do it over again, would it end with the same result? That’s why she stares.


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