I'll blast all feelings.

Hi y'all! :)

Monday went well with the company visit with InVogue as well as the meeting after. There are so many plans kept under wraps and i really pray that all will work out well and things will go smooth from here. Went back to school as i thought there would be SC meeting, turns out otherwise. While trying to "waste" time until my tuition starts, watched brother bear in the library! Really cute show! Can't wait to watch Brother Bear 2!

Coffee Tasting

Company visit :(

E37L. Nicole, Kaiqi, Hidaya.

Had Chocolate Milk Tea from Koi Cafe the next day! I didnt get to choose the sugar level because they didnt ask, okay, maybe you have to tell them. I dont really know how things work around there but it was packed as hell even on a normal weekday non peak hour. I have really bad craving for honey chicken everyday :( What a sad life im leading haha. I think i once told someone i do not mind if my family is the one that opened the honey chicken store. HAHAHA Eat everyday also not sian!

Packed like mad on a weekday morning!

So many more!

Choco milk tea!

Anyway, i recently heard this Korean band called Brown Eyed Girls. Goodness, their voices are so awesome LIVE! I am so impressed! So far, this is the only Korean song i am so impressed with! :) Watch! Guarantee no regret! I love the girl in shortest hair, Narsha i think. I dont really know, My sister is a Korean Star guru though. HAHAHA! :)

What are we suppose to do if we are not happy seeking for happiness?


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