Happy Full Moon!

We all know every full moon, all werewolves come out to find their next victim and the colony of faeries and pixies dance through the woods with music no humans can hear, faces no humans can see. In my case, in this full moon, lanterns and candles and delicious traditional cakes surfaced. Families get together to celebrate this day and children walk around with adorable light pots, so innocent and fragile.

The morning was spent in school, again. I had to attend the SC meeting and it ended shorter than expected! The details of the meeting are driving me crazy because that means i have so much more to put into my schedule, means more late nights and long evenings. The meeting ended an hour earlier than expected so i went over to BBQ Chicken to have my lunch :) I dont know if its just me, but i was so bloated after finishing the food! I even had to give a part of my food away :(

Not bad! :)

Went over to give tuition in the noon and then headed to my grandparent's place for the annual gathering. No pictures because i was tooooo lazy to take them! (Regret)

Gatherings, they are so heartwarming and i am so lucky to have this bunch of family members and relatives that will always have gatherings at every single occasion. At least i know that i am not alone. This makes me appreciate every gathering i go, even if i am just sitting there and observing them talk and laugh. Imagine a small house with over 30 people laughing and talking and observing the youngest in the herd, my niece in that case, who just turned one.

Guess im going to bed smiling tonight! Lotsa love from ikickyou! :)


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