Learning funny things.

Day 1 of Emcee workshop.

Wednesday started off pretty okay with going to school and attending the Emcee workshop. Many IGs were there, then i realized its actually a TRCC workshop and those from CREATE are welcomed to join, & Student councils were there, oddly. HAHAHA. Anyway, Most of the SC went for Poly Forum so basically only me and Gordon were SCs there. I was so lethargic that morning cause i stayed up doing some stuff, i kept felling asleep for the first half of the workshop, CROSS-LEGGED. Can you believe it? I didnt know i could be so tired to the extent i have to sleep crossed legged lolz. Gosh, i cant remember the last time i dozed off in a workshop of in class.

Playing the story game.

And yes, we have to learn stuff like that, urhh lameeee.

Gordon and myself.

Ended off the day with going to tuition and a 7 hour sleep like finally after so long.


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