
Monday greens! :(

Had big breakfast this morning before class started. Damn full okay!
Science was pretty much a breeze except for the part where we have to do maths calculations!
Was distracted throughout the whole meeting 3 while everyone was doing presentation.

Its boring because everyone's presentation is all the same. ._.
And we have to go through the same presentation 5 times including ours + 6P.

Anyway, headed to boon lay after school to "explore"
I have never been to boon lay before in my life LOL.
So yeah, it pretty much looks like parkway parade, except bigger.

Had Fish & Co for dinner. Damn filling! :) Contended contended! Hehe.
Walked around and explored the shopping mall.

I used to think boon lay is some kinda isolated place but i was wrong!
Oh well hahahahaha!

Bought some iron ons for my bag! Awesome max can!!!!
I am super happy! :) Will show off tomorrow!

Need to start on my RJ!

Don't you feel how i feel too?


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