Letters - Day 3.

Day 3 - Letter to Sibling(s).

Forever by heart.

Dearest sibling(s),

Being the eldest, i know and have been through what the outside world has to offer. Heed my advice, it is not a good place to dwell if you're on the wrong path. I regret not doing even better to make myself a better role model for you to follow. But thankfully, you both are sensible and knows what is best for you. Watching the both of you go pass the different cycles of life really made me smile when i think about the fights we once got into. How reliant you guys were on me when there are times of trouble, be it emotionally or physically. I am glad that i could be of help during your critical growing stages, when your personality starts forming. Although sometimes i do feel like strangling you guys, but deep down inside, i love you guys, so much that i sometimes wish we never grow up, so you can be by my side forever as long as we live. We will be close even if we grow up, right?

I love you, and i will protect you, even if it means giving up my life.

All said,
Diana, your sister by blood.


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