Holidays are boring.

School was out since thursday, 27th May.

Went out on Saturday to find bag pack with S.
Went to Queensway shopping centre and far east.
No luck :(

Went out with Denise and Edwiana on Monday to expo.
Food fair, popular fair, john little fair (Y)
Eat like mad ahahhaa but yeahh.
Met S at tampines mall and went home :)

Went out on Tuesday for some SA thingy.
Student facilitator on the coming Saturday.
So its some kinda discussion and briefing. :)
Went to far east and everywhere to shop for my Misty clothing.

Apparently SA has its appointment ceremony, where i officially becomes an SA.
SA = Student ambassador.
And the theme that day is : Characters.

Bryan is going as Brock, myself as Misty and S as Ash.
Finally bought all the things i needed to be misty on that day.
Bryan bought all the things he needed too!
S bought his hat and i think he still short of a vest or something ahhaha..

We need pokeballs! :) Gonna get them on Friday or Saturday!


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