LICENSE DAY!! :) Ya right.

(Supposedly registering for my license!)

Edwiana's VAM(Very Adorable Mom) picked me up from paya lebar MRT station and headed towards the driving centre.
Because the counter closes at 12pm, we sort of like ran in because it was 12pm on our clock.
After making a big fuss and making so much noise, we stood in front of the ticket machine and whispered our questions at each other lol.
We didnt know what to press!!! A nice (cute looking too) guy came over to ask if we are registering as private candidates and told us to go counter 11 or something.
(Was it 11? I dont really remember LOL)

Anyways, the counter was closed and we're so pissed. :S lol.
Went to Edwiana's house to slack and blew balloons for Jasmine's birthday.
Had alot of fun taking pictures with all of them.

There you go! :)
Arhhhh where are the pictures from the BBQ! Missing in action!!! :(

lol my fringe short like dog. so ugly


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