Hello to my babies Clover & Hazel!
(Thery are not desert rats, or mice, or any sort of rodent shit!)
THEY ARE GERBILS!! WOOHOO! Hamster with furry tails lol.

Cutest thing on earth.
(beats you hammys and rabbits rofl)

I've been falling sick recently and sleeping most of the off days i got from work as the meds are making me really drowsy. So i can easily sleep up to 20 hours at a shot lols.

Anyways! I havnt been online recently as we just upgraded our internet from normal internet to MIO!!! LOL lame. I think they alot customers la, so i can only start using the net on the 25th after they installed for us... Lol. 2 weeks from now. :s No L4D2, no facebook no nothing! Soooo sad. Only can twitter via phone.

Shall update once and for all on the 25th!

Till then! ;)


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