We all have bad memories.

And they haunt us for life.

Im afraid to step into the point whereby i cannot lose you, and the point i realize that you're the one i think about and etched on my mind every day. It takes alot of courage to allow myself to fall in love once again and this time, i believe we'll walk together slowly and no matter what we are going to face in the future, just walk on and keep believing. Because i do. Sometimes when bad thoughts surface, your voice makes it clear you'll be there for me no matter what the case is, and for that, i appreciate it. The beauty of our relationship is that we can be ourselves with each other, and because we are ourselves, we are happier & we will be, even in the near future. Because backpacking is something i love doing, sometimes im afraid to lose you along the way, but strangely, i never felt more than a pinch of fear. Perhaps you gained my trust, and i hope you will never lose it. We've talked about challanges in our future, like you going into NS and me going overseas. The thought of losing someone you thought loved you was horrible and for that, i restrain myself in many ways. Maybe i was being unfair, but i know you understand. I love you baby.

Flying off to BKK in a few hours! Wont be back for more than a week. zzz.

While writing this post, I recieved a text from Min lurbe!
Apparantly she doesnt allow me to marry thai boyboy bring back SG. Haiz.
Lurbe, if you want i can bring back tranny for chiu!! ^_^

Will be back soon! :)


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