The oh so many days.

2nd April , Thursday.
I went to school at about 2pm while classes started at 12.30pm.
Class ended at 3pm and i went to Cathay with Fuz to meet Shiqa.
Met Avril and Adrienna and i got some chicken to eat. s:
Went home after walking for abit and then played Restaurant city.
Got a call from the hospital so i went SGH to visit my dad.

3rd April , Friday.
Went to school ON TIME!
After school went to hospital to visit my father at SGH.
Then went to meet terence and dominic at tiong bahru to catch a movie.
Called shinjuku incident or something, starring jackie chan.
It was an okay show. 3/5 stars i feel.
Went home and slept

4th April , Saturday.
Went out with cousin Adonia and walked all around orchard.
Had small talks and did catching up.
Then home i went at night.

Going to bed now. Toodles.
By the way, i dont usually reply tag board messages cause i dont oftenly camp at my blog. :s Sorry!

Its never my loss.


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