im not a mind reader.

Just as i was going to sleep i saw something that made me sooooooooooooo excited i think thats most probably why i couldnt catch a wink the whole of the night followed. My mind was racing with all sorts of questions and images of happy and smiley faces appeared more than you can count and it seems so near but far from to date. My birthday i want to have a quiet getaway in a warm island with beaches as its theme and lie on the bench sipping to a cup of coconut juice and not forgetting the great swim and waves we would fight back there. It would be for a change. I dont want anything noisy like chalets or clubs or party not because i am the quiet type of person, but its because i just felt like spending my 18th birthday somewhere, away. And i just want it memorable, not packed with so many people and at the end of the day i cannot remember who attended. Then whats the point anymore.

Enough said.
I better put some action into words i speak.

Sorry boy, chances only come by once.


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