
Today seems to be so special for all my colleagues, drastic scenarios happened and some of them were left strangled to this very day, april 22nd. Although this day meant nothing to me, i felt their sadness and desperate measures to cry out loud and just sitting alone emotionally hurt. I was sad, sad for them. My non biological sis who is also my colleague, Caslyn got together with the man she loved so much 3 years ago, on this day, on april 22nd. She told me when we were drinking after work. That the man she loved the most, is still that man she will never forget, because he was so nice to her and all. But alas, being nice means nothing. Because it doesnt secure a realtionship by just being nice. But she also menioned. She has yet to found someone that deserved to be loved. When sipping on the bitter beer, i lay my head on my dickies bag and i could see Jingwen jiejie just in my vision feeling so depressed. And i came to realize that being married doesnt secure a relationship, it was just a facade everyone fell into. But the thing i could not understand is that she had a man that deserves to be loved as her husband, and yet she fell for a man she should not. An attached man, to be precise. So tell me, which path could a soul take. When she has forgotten the meaning of love?

Lead me...


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