

Today`s the 1st day of March.
Happy birthday in advance to all those whose birthday falls on this month.

I jus came back from meeting sz.
Before that i went dar hse. Around 9.
Actually going out with xy at 10+
Then she cancel.
Then meeting kelly at 4+ instead.
So during 10+ to 3+
Dar on his bed sleeping.
I walking here and there, lie on bed, hug dar,walk around again.
Disturb kaixin since she`s in the same room as us.
At 3pm. Dar fell asleep.
I call him wake up he aso dun care. zzz.
hahas..So i left.

Zao zi dao. Meet other ppl ...
Denise wanted to meet me at 2. ;[[[
Shd have went with u girl.

Where`s my devoted heart?

I love you my dar.
I swear i really love you now.
Now. & forever.


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