It hurts.

28th. Friday.
Dar and i had a tiff.
Its a bad one thou.

I think i was sorta like having abit of a mood swing so when he called me i was like.
He stayed silent.
Walan sia. I talking to him he stay silent. HOW CAN!.
then i shouted.
He finally replied me with a nasty tone.
walan. he sounded damn attitude can.

After like a few mins or arguement on attitude problems.
He said "Aiya wait call you back, bye"


so i smsed him.
"Aiya, dun need call back. Forever also no need call back."
then he replied damn attitude also.
"Dun call jiu dun call loh"

Wa piang. i dunno to be angry or sad sia.
So i very tulan, went to eat some things to keep my mind off tt idiot!.
So 30mins later i replied his sms saying smth like
"Fine. I dont understand, why ur ex give u attitude all the time, but u still so nice to her, then i give u attitude ONCE, becoz i mood swing or wad, then you give me back attitude? u dun wanna hurt her isit? Maybe thats LOVE."
LMAO, i think back ar, i was thinking. WHY THE HELL DID I SAY TT LOL.
After that he replied smth like
"you are the one tt attitude 1st, and my love for u will never fade...i already say sorry, wad more u want..." and i forgot wad else he said.
Look at tt sms i more hot nia.
sms him back angrily.
"Lmao, dun say sorry to me la, its not your fault. my fault. I shouldnt even have cared about u in the 1st place. dont worry, i wont bother bout you in the future. take care urhs."
He didnt reply...

Basket.. thought he wanna attitude me or wadever.
So i went to Blast my music using ear phones.
Dont know why, but my heart hurts.
We never really have such a bad arguement before.
And i really regret what i have just said.
I was listening to this song and i wanted to cry so badly.
But i told myself
"Walan, cry over this idiot for what, diana dun cry diana dun cry."
(i talked to myself la)

Here`s the song,
Click t play luhs. Thats if you wanna know what kinda song it is.

So i went to bathe after 30mins..
Then when i came back, 2 miss calls from my baobei...
I sms him "you called? i was bathing"

He sms back
"I dun wan like tt le... i bleeding... T_T" ( i dont remember wad he sms la. smth like tt"

so i quickly sms him back. what are you doing.
He told me he cutting himself...

shit la. i swear my heart almost come out of my mouth.
so i quickly change up and prepare to go out...
i went to hougang to look for my baobei.
it was pretty last min. so i just poped on a polo tee and skinnies.

When i was on bus 72, my heart beat super fast la..
very worried he will hurt himself..

so when i reached his hse..
i knock on his gate..
his mom came t answer it..
but baobei`s not at home.
I thought where baobei go..
then i called dar...
he say he return psp to jason...
so he on the way home..
when he walked close to me...

i saw his hand..
my heart very pain...zzz.
and seriously.
i`ve never felt this pain in my life before can?
Its like you can physically feel it hurting.
i swear. zzz.
When dar went to wash his wound...
i duno why i kept staring at the cuts he made.
and my tears fall very naturally.
its like. it just kept flowing and flowing....
T_____T LA!.

I feel so useless as a gf la.
why the fuck cant i give in when we fought?
I feel so hurt....
Dar wanted to hug me.. but i pushed him away...
coz i was ANGRY AT HIM. and yet sad la..
then after crying like a stupid baby,
i went into dar`s room...
1st thing i do..
i slapped him...
"ni zomo?"
i said... T_T

aiya, i so idiotic one la.
i slap him liao, sit on his bed, hug our toy turtle and cried very hard.
at that point of time.
i felt so "xin ku" la...
i cried really hard.......can feel my heart beating super fast ...
then after tt .. heard dar cry.. so i quickly went over to hug him...
then after tt i blame myself for being so childish and angry...
instead of being caring..
i got so angry and even resort to slapping my bf for the sin that he had done for me.
i dont like JUNJIE, to hurt himself.
so what if he did it for me?
to show to ppl he love me?
i dont take tt shit.
if he love me he wont cut himself. coz i made him promise me before.
aiya. whatever it is...
since my dar cut le..
then i should take care of him.

i, diana choo pei qi, swear that i will never allow junjie to hurt himself again.
Because i wont make him feel sad anymore. I PROMISE.

Anyway, after much crying...
i think i said something or wad, make baobei dar smile...
haha! i love it when u smile u know dear?

Then later on, after much apologising... we went out to eat....
Then went over to denise hse to stay over.
Once again, i can sleep with baobei dar.
Happy happy!.

Then next afternoon, went to lan shop...
then baobei dar use his warrior char..
walao.. i JITAO moody like shit.. dunno why...
sigh sigh sigh. >.<
i so childish...

anyway, tried to pretend i wasnt affected by it when i walk around raffles with baobei...
Sigh, my heart feels weird.

but i believe i`ll feel better after some rest.
i think...

Btw, pictures on the chalet is up, read previous post. :)
love, diana aka junjie`s laopo. LMAO.


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