whatever happens, im going to hold you tight.
right here in my arms and ur heart close to mine.
when you`re sad i`ll be your clown.
when you`re happy i`ll laugh with you.
when you`re angry i`ll let you bully.
when you`re bored i`ll be there.
when you need somemore to listen to you, i`ll listen.
when you need someone to love, i`ll give my all.

when you think you cant cope with ur studies, i`ll learn your subjects.
when you need someone to cry on, i`ll lend you my shoulder, my heart, my soul.
i`m willing to do all these,
Not because its what a gf have to do,
its because i love you.

okay, back to what happened thses few days!

24th. Monday
I woke up early in the morning.

Lay out the stuff i need in the morning.
Started rolling the dough.
I swear i`ve never done this before ok.
Made the dough FLAT.
I just acted like as if im a professional la.
I manage to do 3 trays of "heart" shaped cookies
1 tray consisted of like, 35 cookies.
In the end, i only manage to dig out 30 nicely cooked cookies.
LOL. *Sleep. i cannot wait for tomorrow.

25th. Tuesday.
Woke up early in the morning.
Went to boonlay...
Then went back to tampines.
I swear, thats my longest train ride i took ...
LOL. Went to meet dar dar.
He was wearing a jacket on a hot day...
i wore tube and vest and skinnies..
he say he dun like. :(
i thought it was okay. but my baobei dun like de sure got reason!.
so i wanna change when i go the chalet..
then dar took someone out ask me to change into it...
ey, couple shirt!.
i STRIPPED his jacket.
then saw our names on his tee.
its a while polo tee... :P
taoyan... baobei so sweet. hehe!
then i wore the couple tee too!.
pics some other time. Because im not using lappy ;[
Thanks baobei dar. i.. love you!
So i gave him my junk pressie.
I`m damn sad la.
the necklace i ordered didnt come on time...
Stupid ass. ;[ Sigh.
So i no choice have to proceed with PLAN B.
which suck.
I gave him
-5 FROST candies (to let him quit smoking)
-Pictures of us. :) HEHE.
-Matching notebook which he bought for me on the 1st month...
-Cookies... lol. i think they sorta like suck. LOL.

actually had many other things in mind. but RUINED.
idiot one...

nvm. 3rd month okay my baobei?! =x

Oh... then spent the rest of the day in the chalet...
dont remember what we were doing aso.
i think lie down beside baobei most of the time. and trying to sleep.
Then around 11.25 we watching tv..
then baobei was like " dar, happy 2nd month"
we got tgt on 25th Jan 11.21pm...
baobei so cute hor..
So i say happy 2nd month back and went back watching tv.
Then all of a sudden... baobei held 1 cake..
i swear i didnt expect this.
i thought he just got the shirt.. because its enough...
i tell you la. im lost for words!
it was really a surprise...

i didnt like eating cream cakes..
but i swear. i loved it! sweet sweet de...
i promise u baby, the 3rd month would be a better one.
From me to you. :)

26th, Wednesday
Woke up with baobei sleeping next to me.
what else can i ask for?!
:P Love him so much la!.
Then we went to eat with liting and andy.
Then it rained ....
Went back chalet...
Had abit of a tiff ( quarrel) with dar...
He went punching the wall..
Hand aso "puo pi" le..
Ni zhi bu zhi dao, wo de xin hen tong..?
You promise you wont do all these de lo..
Even if im not beside you...
wei shen mo didnt do it..?

Anyway, when everything settled.
I promise myself, to love him. till the end.
even in school, i wont hong like i used to.
Slept with dar again that night...
Happy happy..

27th, Thursday
:( i aso duno wad happened...
but must be i kick him in my sleep or smth LOL!.
Dar sent me home... :)
she bu de ni lei...

School gonna start!/

Plans for school.
-Get TENNIS as CCA at simei.
-Get a CCA in MacPerson ITE
( so i can see dar at least once a week! HEHE ) & SPY HIM! =x Kidding...
-Get a job, work and schooling seems fun!
-Go to school with bag dar gave me!
-Be super attentive in class!.
-Learn make up.

Ending post,
Guys shd know more bout girls. THERE U GO.
When girls say -

Fine: This is the word women used to end an argument when they are right and you need to SHUT UP.

5 minutes: If she is getting dressed, this means half an hour. 5 minutes is only 5 minutes only if you have been given more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.

Nothing: This is the calm before the storm. This means "something" and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with "nothing" usually ends in "Fine".

Go ahead:This is a Dare, not permission. DO NOT DO IT.

Loud sigh: This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "loud sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "nothing".

That's okay:This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's okay" mans that she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistakes.

Thanks:A woman is thanking you. Do not question it or faint. Just say you are welcome.

Whatever: It's a woman's way of saying @#$% You!




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