Shopping Again

This entry is for Monday and Tuesday. ;D;D

Went shopping on BOTH days. >.<

Withdrawed 400 bucks from bank in total for 2 days.
Went on a spree... >.<


Blue Heels - 20 bucks.
Halter top - 20 bucks
2 pair or earings - 12bucks/13.50bucks = 25.50bucks (nbcb i didnt notice the price)
2 pairs of necklace - 13 bucks each. = 26bucks
Denim Skirt - 15bucks.
2 Nail polish - black and blue - 2bucks each ^^ cheap cheap = 4bucks.
Gift for cousins wedding engagement - 24bucks
4 tops - 5bucks each (lmao ;x) = 20bucks ^^
2 crown rings~ Good deal ;x - 2.50 each! = 5bucks.
1 super cute bookmark for my brother - cheap cheap 3 bucks aha!

all AUTHENTIC hor ;x!!! lmao
i YAYA sia. SURF SHOP. got discount LMAO / on selected items.. *feeeeels happy ;x
Roxy bag orangestaw texture. SO KAWAIIII. -29.90bucks (no discount also.
Billabong bag ( white sporty bag ) - 39.90bucks. ( no discount. but i like. lmao )
Ripcirl shoulder bag 19.90 ( Got discount 20% ^_^ GOOD BUY ;X )
Roxy baby blue bag 29.90 ;x;x ( blardy shop... so little items got discount. =_= )
Spent on...

Food - 30bucks.

= oxox $316 xoxo

Shit la. i need to go on budget days le. >.<
Im figuring out how to get all the christmas gifts. ^^

Already written a list.
Counted and i had to get 16 gifts
kill me kkthxbai =.=


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