
I guessed its time to blog.

Spent the whole day sleeping.
Until early evening.
Woke up to audi.

Shit man. lagging like hell :D
Ok closed it.

Went maple.
Jas and Hina married liao. ahaha grats.
Went to celebrate their *BELATED wedding. T.T

Basket sia this kukujas.
Aha. Grats you on finding ur girl honey jas.
Sister forever k.

Went off and went msn.
Daddy told me alot of things today.
1stly about the party at 8pm and 10pm.
Halloween party.
HELLOween :s wtf lame. =.=

the rest. Not important.


Went for the party.
Played a game and left to play with mich and tazzy.
And the rest. :)

Smsed baby ...
He`s busy doing accountings...
Sigh. BORED. T.T
He`s going tobook in tomorrow morning.

Anyway had great dinner.
Porridge o.o
For me only ahaha.
Didnt want to eat rice.
Throat kinda sore.
Told kalimi to cook chicken porridge.
In the end she cooked fish porridge. gah! :s

Started to cough.
Started to hate talking.
Started to hate moving around and laze at my spot.
Please tell me i dont sound like a guy. T.T

Thanks peanut xiao mei jie for the stepsils.
I love you :))))


Darling u asked me if i loved you.
I`ll tell u. Yes i do.


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