ME. =.=

Some issues you SHOULD know about me.
Before even badmouthing me. DUH.

Im stupid. lmao.
i failed math. I failed my own respect.
im ugly. I need plastic surgery. o.O
Im fat like a pig.I need to slim down.
thats why i got no bfs since the age of 0.
Not even now. ;x;x
im honest. LOL. , Bitch it. =.=
im very. er. messy. If u see my handwriting @_@

When i hate you.
I really do.
I`ll shoot you. Indirectly duh.
Unless i really hate you to the extreme . ;X

If you cant understand what im saying.
You dont know me even the slightest bit yet.
If you dont what i mean in my sentence
You dont know me well yet.

I`m very "JI CHOU"
How do you spell it? LOL.
I love grudges.
I hate to forgive and forget.

Time heals all wounds?
Yes. forgive but not forget.
Dont expect me to be GREAT friends with someone whom i hate crazily before.
That will never happen.
Not over my dead body.

Yes i hate lots of people.
Im a saddist.
I love gaming.
I love new things.

I like exploring. maple dungeon LOL.
i like adventures. Go zakum! rawr rawr.
i love thrilling games. eg rollarcoaster/height games ^^
i love to know more. =.=

i dont reply when u talk to me. Even if u repeated the sentence over and over again. And u know i heard it.
i block you on msn. i type "ya" "oh" " i see" "ok" "o.o" "haha" repeatedly

I cry. LOL.
I swear.
I think alot.
I dont talk in class {Rare case}
Sigh to myself =.=


I mean it when.
I say no.
I say shutup.
I say i love you.
I say stop.
I say i miss you and i really do.

I`m lying when.
I smirk LOL.
I give that HEHE look.

I like to act cute. cannot isit. ROFL.;x
see >>act cute ^^v

Please. Gimme a break. ZZZ
I feel so emo this moment.=_=


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