
Going for the chalet tomorrow.

Hubby`s chalet.
IGN : Hubby ; in maple.

He invited me to his chalet.


I met Hubby aka Jeremy in sleepywood.
Hubby`s ign used to be sUmOnBaBysss??
Lol. i forgot.

Nigel brought me there to sleepywood.
There, we ....
Kevin aka FireCleric, lvl 40
Jolene aka Mikeala. lvl 35
Sumonbabysss aka Jeremy. lvl 35
Nigel aka East lvl 35
Diana aka Nonsense lvl 34

Could remember because they could wear the matty!
And i couldnt.
But lucky we all got this... JESTER!

There. :D

I`m the one in the blue suit.
Man. Find it more original sia. :D

We headed to the cave to meet strong monsters!
Then when we were at the ice cave thingy.
A lvl 52 sniper, named TinySparrow came along.
Last time i think highest only lvl 60 LOL.

Anyway we died at the macis there.
But fun.
So later on we added each other.
I gave jeremy a nick. Jelly.
Coz his name was so frikkking long la.
Then we started to talk alot in buddy.

Hmm... Then once when me and jelly were online.
We decided to explore the caves of sleepywood.
(At that time go to the end of cave is like PRO)
Because we both are bored..
Anyway here...

While exploring we take ss loh. ahaha.
Still glad i got some left in my old photobucket.
Although my old comp reformatted.

We had lots of fun togetheir la.
Even in 5x and 6x we still keep in contact . Damn close somemore
When ossy came out.
We were like missing each other like mad if i was at ossy.

Then i would rush back to meet him in ellinia!
He would fetch me from the dock. AHAH

Dam cute <3

Then When bootes came out.
We all jumped over to bootes and i played sin.
Me and jeremy both play togetheir.
Chiong togetheir until we lvl 28+
Pq togetheir.
Never parted.
We call each other laogong and laopo in bootes. hehe >.<
Shy sia :P

Anyway we train until lvl 28 then got sick of the poor world.
Went back Aquila :P

Then soon he bought an account called " HUBBY "
Then we both train togetheir too.
Coz Hubby is a sin lvl 8x
I cleric lvl 7x :P


During the 4 months i know jelly,
I had a crush on him LMAO.
Didnt know how he feel about me.
Because we quarrel all the time. >.<

Then jas came by.
He showed interest in me and lol.
We got togetheir.

During this period,
Jas used my forum account.

And because jas used my forum acc,
Jas scolded Hubyy DOG.

Jelly and me fought real bad.
Then he deleted me on buddy and everything.

We confronted each other and i told him it wasnt me and stuff.
Then during that moment.
I cant help crying.

He told me he fancied me since the day we went to explore togetheir.
Then exchanged confessions and then we met up.

Then broke off with jas and went with hubby.
Times with him were quite tough.
Because he is a famous KSer at that time,
I, as his gf, tend to get KSED all the time sia. holy shit.

But nvm. I`m willing to tolerate.
We went out togetheir quite a number of times.
And its quite fun!

Once we were at chalet togetheir.
Lie on the beach.
So romantic.
So lovely... Lol. But he`s shy :P

I`ll never forget that feeling.
He`s sucha nice boyfriend.
He didnt neglet me in the chalet and was with me all the time.
So lovely la he :P

But we broke up 1 month later because somehow i got no more feelings for him.
He smsed me one day to say that i have shown no interest in him anymore.
So why bother to continue.
And we broke up ..

Haha... Now although we dont really talk.
But we still pick on each other. The cheeky way. :P

Anyway. See you tomorrow.
Jelly :)


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