The universe is passing by,

And you're the one i set eyes on out of a million better ones. END OF CNY, END OF FEBRUARY! (Also Aiai's and Weiquan's 1st year anni) Wtf loh, that day denise and the bf just 1 year nia. now another couple. LOL.... & THAT MEANS NO GAMBLING UNTIL NEXT CNY! HAHAAHHAA. SONG BO! :D Kays. I dont gamble because i dont like to, but if i have to, i would, because give face ma :D Go to big big big family gathering you have to join in the fun because everyone will ask you join... Play abit laaaaa. But i really hated it though @_@ Guaguagua. But i very nice one, hahha lol z. Went to maternal side to gather because last day of CNY hahahah! Not CNY i would not even touch anything gambling at all zzz. Dont like. Dont ask me why i dont like. I just dont, so get over it. ANYWAY, WENT TO NATAS FAIR TODAY WITH CHARISSE BFFL. :D Super lame la we all, keep taking like aunty like that! :( Haiz us. Anyway we had fun but we have to rush over to our own dinner elsewhere. CHARISSE TIE FOR ME ON...