The morning started off differently from my daily routine of getting up close to night and going out instantly right after i am conscious. Today was about enjoying every space given to me. Alas the week was over. Everyone's going to enjoy the next two weeks getting a breather away from school. With each passing day, 2009 would soon be over, drawing the start of new beginnings and with all hopes, our painful endings. So soon. And it feels just like yesterday that i graduated from my former high school. So much has happened. The lost of a loved one, many breakups over the years, distance between friends and new bonds made all over again. School is going to start soon and i know things are going to and would be difficult in the future. We all make new year resolutions but in the end find ourselves not fulfilling them, so whats the point in making resolutions? This year i decided not to make any. But all i ask for, is everyone around me to be safe and healthy, even if in exchange of my life. Because its all worth it looking at their smiles and them growing older.
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