Come lets sing.

We will be there, forever.

Met cousin kim and jx at ECP food village. Ordered lala~ chut chut?~ Stingray~ And some random jipalang. After food we head to loyang to meet cousin jd to pick him up from work. While waitinf for our midnight movie, stoned at Tampines Mall's MAC for like 2 hours. [Zzz] But its not so bad! Exchanged presents and had some photos taken. :) Watched Bodyguards and Assassins , the new chinese show that was released on the 18th! :)ITS A DAMN NICE SHOWWWWWWWW! 5/5 !!!! I really liked it! But may differ for anyone else :) Example my cousin jx. SHE SLEPT DURING THE MOVIE LOLS. Reached home about 4AM!

I've been on the move every night. Song bo.

kkkkkkk i clip up my fringe that day.
im a weirdo. Sup dark eye rings.


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