today was the most enjoyable day!

i went to meet peanut,retro,shiki,moomoo,fai,d3 and ryan for a movie.

dam funny la.
moomoo keep holding my hand. then SQUEEEEZE. :P

the movie was pretty funny but at the same time i covered my eyes, (as usual)

we later then walked all the way to PCbunk to meet tutu and the rest up.

Tutu,brokenwings,ahben,shuling were there, they joined us .

we then head to newton to meet up with the rest.

theres mich,tock,vigil,arvin.

Cant remember anymore lol.

Anyway we had our dinner and chat lots and lots rofl.
I was having alot of fun. <33333

After the dinner we head off to esplanade area to drink vodka.
lol. i`m not sure how mch i drank but i sure did blabber lots of nonsense and acting like crazy >.<

its nice being drunk lol. u get high with ur friends and go crazy with them.
i kissed mich peanut and moo today. lmao i become les le! ;P

we took lots of pictures and had lots of poses.

arvin,tock,fai,ryan did the HUMP move. like wtf lmao.

they are so called, the gay gang LOL. ^^

we also not bad, peanut,moo,mich and me - les gang ^^

its around 2+ when we decided to go home.
i`m already worn out.
this is my last breath for blogging. dont blame me on the length! LMAO.

oh anyway.
i love today`s outing. FUN AND FREEDOM.

okok <3 les gang ^^


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