
Been to school for the english exams.

The papers ok but i think i totally screwed it up. T.T

oh well. Its over. no point talking about it.

Anyway i went home to play audition. Since like, 6 to now ;o wow.
Exams le still play audition! TMD.

Alright nvm.
Anyway i has lots of fun on audition and its so stress free

And i decided on something.
I will never play couple mode.
Never. :)

Well, maybe i find it dumb.
But i kinda hate the mode now.
It used to help me release stress but now, lol. i just hate it?
Heh. ^^

Anyway i finally lvled .
But havn`t pass the license yet.
I`ll take it tomorrow.

Btw. Alot of people going bunk tomorrow.
Whats the big occasion? ;X

anyway i may not be going. coz im too tired to move.

Lol. Before i forgot.
I searched through my photobucket acount and found many junks!

Here`s some.

I make de loh. copyrighted! ^^

2005 Christmas ^^ Nonsense and my pet, Ryan. (Used to be my god friend`s name) Now changed to Nuisance

This was when i was 6x. <3

I think thats for now.
I`m so lethargic. gaga.


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