
Here to blog again.
I realise im addicted to blogging!

Its fun relexing and FUN! lol =.=

Audition event.****
Lame one! ;x
check out www.auditionsea.com


I`ve been sneaking up onto many people`s blog.
Linked all of them up and read their post.

Ok. Anyway.
I`ve just been on audition.
I passed my license finally!
I think it`s the 4th time i tried today.
Actually i thought i would fail again.
Because i miss fm >.<
And during the last 40secs,
Theres around 100k left.
I dam sian sia then continued playing.

i chained perf. HENG HENG. T.T

Finally pass.
Tough sia. Need 390000 T.T

Back to life.

I`ve just picked up my lit notes and started revising on Joy Luck Club.
It`s a book on 4 pairs of mother daughters in china ~ america.

The 4 mothers had suffered tragedies in china and came to america to create JLC. (Joyluck club) It`s a club to celebrate everyday of their life, even during war.

They would not allow themself to be sad. Any moment anymore.
They had their 4 daughters and the 4 of them went through different types of life.

It talks about the failure of marriage and how they lost their faith hope and soul.
How to regain it back and the symtoms of it. sacrifices and tortures.

Suppppppperrrr good book.
It has touching story line and great ideas.
Allows us to understand the life of a woman. LMAO.

btw, its JoyLuckClub by AmyWong.

One sentence that really struck me is " You`re bitter tears feeds on other`s joy"
When my lit teacher explain this sentence. I was like O.O

This term allows me to stay strong. be strong ^^
ok la, i am. LOL =/

The story consist of many meaningful stories and real facts.

Btw, I havnt mention this book is gender bias.
It insults the male gender.

Well, lol. fate la. ^^
Its my lit O lvl book ;X

By the way.
Mich ar...
Its better to stay happy.
When u act happy , You will be happy, someday.
Because you will get used to being happy.

So relex, chill and enjoy.
Because life still goes on.

Wa su ka li! ^^
Su ka everyone!


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