
Okay i havn`t blogged for a long time.

But here i am.
Giving my latest thoughts and everything.

Its like fuking cool.
I love POA. it just rocks babey; Theres P.E tomorrow. Oh my oh my.
Today I Saw Amirah walking down the steps. I was behind rachel.
Amirah Kept looking at rachel and since monday, Amirah thought Rachel was me.
Lol. No comments.

Anyway it is fucking rude for your pictures to be saved withought permission right.
Some people just dont understand. Thats like invading privacy.
Thats what MORON said.

Habbo. Nothing much happened. Just hate looking at some people`s faces.

Get a life bitch. Dont think you are popular or whatsoever. You are not. You insulted NON HCs and you think you are great in relin yeah? So what lol.You went for the audition. So shutup. I am fucking hell in ANTI CONGEE and i`m proud to be in it.I love it babey. Read this for all i care. You are just one fucking noob.

Would post more hatred noobs in following posts.
I wonder why i even had readers. Rofl :DDDDD


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