
Arh. Back from weijie`s BBQ.
It wasnt bad, but not that good either.
Left house at about 8.45pm to make my way to pasirris.
Boy`s at kovan i think. im not too sure where he was.
Was very angry with him because he told me he would make his way from kovan to pasirris like. 1hr ago.
and i thought he was there or something already so i left my hse.
In dismay, i realised he was still at kovan or somewhere around the purple line when my train was at bedok!.
Omg la. means lotsa waiting time!.
i was angry that he didnt pick up my call becuase he said he didnt see it.
So i was pretty much flared up the whole evening.
I reached Whitesands and guess what?
I shopped around myself while waiting for him to arrive.
Lol like stupid sia. LOL. but i bought myself many things to eat there.
So its not as bad as i imagined.
He showed up with andy liting yijie and alvin.
He bought me cupcorn from kovan or hougang. i dunno which.
Because my mood was quite unstable i told him i didnt wanna eat it.
Urh, diana, wrong decision.
Boy eyes were filled up with tears la. T.T
he did a good job keeping them back though.
He threw the cupcorn away and then took my hand and passed me something.
Its those "name" thingy u see at pasir malam.
It`s his name. :(
And my name was hung to his phone.
I knew i shdnt be showing stupid attitude at that point of time.
So i kept hugging him .
But he was quite devastated bout the cupcorn thing.
So he showed me his moody face all the way till the BBQ there.
I`m really sorry boy, i misunderstood u ok?
He went to make that name thingy during the 40mins i waited.
And yet i didnt show any appreciation and boiled my limits.
Shit, im sorry boy,
(Ok, that is if u ever read my blog) LOL.
that was so, random.

I knew deeply i was in the wrong so i tried many ways to cheer him up.
No avail.
Thank god yijie`s dumb actions made him laughed abit.
He got better after some time.
I promised i`ll check before i malign u alright?

Shucks, i talked too much bout us.
Anyway, the bbq was okay, they had this cake fight thing.
But something bad happened la.
=.= Shall i elaborate?

They had cake fight and my boy joined in.
Andy just stood aside and watch with liting and me at another table.
When the guys wanted revenge on my boy and andy, they ran away.
Liting and me were left behind lol.
But the guys threatened to smash us with otah and butter and ash if boy and andy dont come back.
So me and liting decided to visit the mao ce.
Holy fag can, they too over le la.
I dont mind la all these shit.
But when boy and andy came to check on us,
Eben and alvin rush up on boy.
boy took his shirt and whip eben on the face,
then they both rolled to the floor.
i helped boy up and cleaned him up while liting freed andy from the clutches of loong jie lol. :o
then suddenly loongjie grabbed my boy and then this guy,
i dont know his name, rubbed a whole plate of shit on boy`s face.
For some reason i was so fucking angry.
I can almost feel my blood vessels bursting.
i went up to the guy and push him and shout i forgot what at him.
almost slapped him, but he slipped.
Its been a long time since i acted like this.
The last time was lets say... in bunk?
some bitch got problem with me. LOL!
Nvm, i accompanied boy to the washroom to washup,
another guy appear and smear another plate of junk on boy`s face.
This time, his eyes were affected and he felt like as though they were being cooked.
ALRIGHT, i was really being paranoid.

After everything, went back. and i was like still angry.
They had a little arguement but it was settled.
and they all went to red house or something.
and came back reporting the loss of alvin`s ezlink card.
scared the shit out of fabian because he believed something would happen is any personal belonging is left behind at haunted houses.
I believe in that too.
Because i wont want a ghost to follow me thanks =.=
Yawn. was getting sleepy and hungry.
So went home after a few hundred matches of daidi between lt andy loongjie and xinrong.
urh, thanks boy :)!

maybe i should post bout the 3 bbqs i went during the hols?
and outintgs with girlfriends and my beloved boy?


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