
What is this word for.

Why should we respect.
why should we even get respected.

i was boarding this bus after school .

and rong kui and gang were there too.
with boonchong. jerone. ric and others.

well, rong kui was like laughing about how white i was.

"white skin woman" pfft. thats what they laugh`s a joke. i can take it.

others such as clarence and maybe hmm. those i dont really know dint really laugh along.

and this jerone. who was very close to be for a long time. actually added comments after the insult like "YA LOH." "EXTRA LAH" .

fuck you jerone.
you have no sense of humanlity. you think you are funny but not.
come on.
how long have we been friends.
2 years in exact.
how long have we been GOOD friends.
half a year.

its more importantly you shut ur gap because you dont deserve to say me thanks.
whats more. if you have asked urself. do you want to insult me.
adding in comments dont help seriously.


i`m totally dissapointed in you.
the ric i know. as a good friend.
is a person who is upright.
and says whats right .

i remember theres one time.
when i actually laugh at someone.
you told me.
"Dont so bad lah"
where have your nice being gone too.
gone in the wind. gone with jerone.

and i ever thought.
wad was the reason you guys wanna break friend ties with me.
reality check.
because jerone says so.

and reason being.
because i seem to NOSOCLOSE to you guys.
speaking of which.

i miss the days. we had fun with gerlyn.
i know. when u see this, you laugh.

ok. i`m not talking about u guys anymore.
makes me tear.


Whats ur tiny problem.
following the crowd and making comments jus like the rest.
you wanna insult. u step out and insult.
dont hide behind the chair and only hear ur voice.
coward i say.

Urh i dont wanna talk about it anymore.

i cant help being born like. white.
so what.
but i know. i love myself.
so stop bothering my life.


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