Girls secret ; Hotdate

getting fussed up on colours is miserable.i know.going on a date gives us big what to wear. and what colours.
date.what comes in your mind when you think of that word.kissing.making what i think.
if you guys ever play the sims would understand how a hotdate would funtion.
it`s most important to have your date bringing you to the movies.followed up by a walk or dinning in a din-er.
oh oh. so boring.cmon. come up some new ideas.
you can bring your date to the funfair.or maybe. to the zoo? (wow.)
well. i think being special is all that counts.and gifts.
oh my. guys SHOULD always shower girls with gifts.because guys should be! no reason! dont ask why.
but going to different locations means wearing different types of clothes.
lets say you are going to a high classed cafe. For adults.make sure wearing so so decent is needed there , my dear.dont expect to go in mini mini skirts and tubes.oh dear. you can might as well go to the pub then.
wear a long dress. i know it`s old fashioned. but it`s decent at least.well okay. i know you people are thinking.i`m not wearing that on the streets!okay. excused then. you could wear a knee length skirt then.colours prefered are light colours. mostly baby give sweet looking flavour. :D
for make up , it wold be nice if you cover up your pimplesbecause you are in a dress/skirt excuse me!put on some eye shadow and pink lip gloss.that will give you a sweet look.
Lets change our location to after school valentine. For teenagers.Yay! it`s after our uniform? oh no. thats so gross.get home.get changed.your guy is bringing you to the movies in the teenagers.we have to dress more funky.
the classic style of long dresses have to`s teenage life babey! get dressed in a skirt and nice top.hop on a jacket and lets hit it.
make up? no you dont need them.well. it`s more nicer with lip gloss but it`s`s teenage life. it`s puberty.
after the movie. you might wanna hit the is a must from boys. if not, dump them.haha. joking.
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