Love you sis

Oh hello.
Okay. I have loads of fun today ;)
Rosie sis came back and i was so happy.
She told me she went on UK and other habbo so she cant play singapore habbo.
We had loads of fun. Hosting ff and making blogs haha.
She had her msn and i added her. Really apprieciate her as a sis.
And i know most of her siblings(habbo) totally sucks.
They suck up to her because shes cool. Like OHMYGOD.. Fuck off thanks.
I made her a cool cool blog and shes like happy. Im glad you like it.
I also gave her a holoboy and shes like OH. I`VE ALWAYS WANTED THAT.
Im glad you like it sis ;)

Anyway. Today was pretty boring. Not much events.
And everything just sucks ;)
I love you sis.


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