Hmm ?

Hmm. Today was kinda cool too!
Okay. Rosie sis and me were hosting ff as usual.
And I was looking for hologirl the WHOLE morning because rosie sis seems to like the set. I could not find any. :( pretty sad.
I went to her FF. And there was this person called "XIAOMILK"
Which sounds so stupid. He was selling HOLOGIRL for pure creds.
I offered him a hc sofa and he said NO. Okay so i ignored him.
And he was kicked out of the room. I went to rosie models and i saw him there.
He said he is RUBY`S friend and wanted to sell the hologirl.
I offered him a hc sofa again. He agreed and i was glad.
I gave the hologirl to rosie sis. And she was happy. ;)
She had a set now. A girl and a boy. Im glad you like it.

After rosie sis went offline. She came online again because she sneaked up her laptop. But she got caught after awhile. Around the evening, Ryan help the HABBO AWARDS. and i actually won that stupid "COUPLE" and "WORST EMAIL" award. damn u ryan. As for the couple award. was ME AND KAI.
Urh. for the 2nd time. boohoo. Okay he chaged alot. So i dont really wanted this prize. 2nd prize was the WORST EMAIL AWARD. okay. That was when i was using my email ok. DAMN U RYAN *KILLS.

So after the awards. we went to make a play. its damn funny.
I was acting as the maid and i have to say :
1)I am A MORON can? >:(
2)play too much habbo later become as CRAZy as chars. :o
4)Oi! See my face buay song ar? >:(
5)Welcome back madam` ..... EEEEEEEEEEE. I THOUGHT SIR DIE

Okay. Not much people watching but we enjoyed acting in it.
Randy suddenly changed in attitude and we said it was that -cosmos-
who i dont even know.Maybe some noob yeah?

Okay then i got to log off due to my dad irritating naggingly nagging. cya ;)


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