Too little too soon.

Last day of Enterprise with Mr Gilbert Wong.
As you can see, this is the full family photo of my class, including my class mentor.
It has been a good half a year and honestly, i am so used to being around them, the thought of leaving them for another class is quite unbearable. However, life goes on. I have to compliment this mentor. He is hilarious and a talented joker, knowledgeable yet immature at times. But his teaching, is top notch, and i respect him for that.

Our theme today, is white. (Well, most of us did wear white)

We ordered 8 pizzas today. Accumulating up to $130.
Damn awesome hahaha, eat until full die.
Breakfast was hilarious. But i shall not reveal details. :)

I miss Enterprise.
I do.

And im going to miss my classmates.
4 more classes with them, and thats it.

Oh well. :)


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