The way you take my hand.

Here's a heavy note, to all lovers, to all pain. We get into a relationship expecting to be loved, to be cared for, and to be the person's most important piece of art which can never have a duplicate. We compromise, we adapt, we listen what the other one wants. We open our hearts, our souls and our mind for that one person. To let that special someone come in even though knowing that this person, has the ability to rip your heart inside out and yet still opening up to whoever. Why are we not contented alone, when no one else has the power to tear our heart to pieces and leave us bleeding on the cold floor. Why are we not happy that we are safe from all harm and will never go through that being single? Why do we always have to look for things that hurt? Reason is simple, because our hearts are empty alone and we eventually will find someone that can fill up inside. Its all about chances. We may meet jerks that break our hearts, and you see us putting them back all back together again. However, there will be a scar left. This scar is the reason why we are afraid to let another person walk in and leave an additional one. The pain is unbearable. Thats why, dont fall in love if we not ready to handle the pain. But of course, we have exceptions. Ones that cherish each other and respect each other so well that no one gets hurt. These are rare cases.

I want rare cases.


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