
Morning all living beings.
Today is a sat and i decided to go out with denise after her work.
I miss that crazy girl so much.
We ate at the market near my house and we went to town to shop.
No loots form town because my heart was worrying for something else and i dont have the heart to shop at all.
My babyboy is sick and im so afraid anything might happen to him.
i offered to take care of him but he say he want to rest alone sleeping and is afraid i am bored and got nothing to do so he didnt want me to come over.
Aw, love you bombom.

Anyways. yup, after that i was abit angry that he didnt want me to take care of him, but after much "notes" from denise i calmed down and head on shopping.
this time, we went to bugis to walk about.
Nothing caught our eye as well. But we went to do hair extentions.
Just a few. Cause we are bored and we didnt buy anything, yet.
Clothes from bugis street, no new or nice ones. so didnt manage to pick any.
Continued shopping around and we went into BHM.
We both bought something. lol :)
At last. the trip made worthwhile. lmao.
Headed for the airport and met cass there.
Saw a couple of her japanese friends.
I think about 40? or i dunno.
had a problem communicating with japanese people.
LOL. :x
Was at the airport till late night and then when i got home its already sooo late.
Bathed and had a good night sleep.

My boy didnt call or sms me :(
Its like he is sleeping 24hrs a day kinda thing. sad.
Finally when i sms him he called me and we chatted awhile.
Miss his voice sooo much.
And from today onwards i wanna be a good girlfriend like how i was the last time when i was with him.
No quarrels now and peaceful mindset about anything.
Blogging about him more often and pictures on friendster all up.
+ not going out or talking to weird guys.

ooooo he`s still sleeping now at this time.
I miss him already :)

Boy iloveyou, xoxo.
Ohoh! Im taking my diploma in mass communication this nov. Hehe im so excited.

Today`s pictures.
Warning, image heavy.
(Dont like it stfu and leave)

To the lame taggers (;
(Go get a life and get fucked by a tree)
Put ur big name please. What now? Blogskin made by me and stolen and now im in the wrong?Friends of kyle or whatever shit. I dont care la hor. You dont even know whats going on and you made a fuss here. Im not being paranoid for the wrong reasons. why dont u read what i have to say before opening ur gap. Whore? Lmao. If i am then u guys must be the ones that know every corner of geylang and not to forget mentioning, you guys are too. Pur ur big names please and best put ur contact number. It would be so amusing. But i dont think you nameless taggers dare, because if you guys do, you would have already put them on! hoho :)
Sometimes its best you stfu and leave when you dont know or unsure of anything.
To kyle (;
You change or dun change none of my business. I just wanna know who made ur blogskin. Ginny? Or who. Seriously kyle. Now you`re in the wrong u should stop being so stuck up and admit that indeed the blogskin and CODES were taken from me. Hate tags? LOL. they only appear when u and ur shit nonsense came up. Now, not that im not happy about you STEALING or whatever shit u copied. I`m fucking pissed off at you being so rude to my friend despite to your wrongdoing. Okay since u claimed that your friend MADE IT for you, i dun care who la. it could be ginny or whatever because since her photobucket user is that kesterloveginny thing, but at least u should have the right attitude to apologise and find out the truth from the blogskinner that made ur blog. I'm being very polite to you already despite your rude and unglam tone of speaking. Since you are an IT student. how does it feels like when people steals ur draft of a project or, i dunno. im not an IT student anyway. But the codes and the layouts were made by me and i know it. In the first place i didnt even felt like persuing the dumb matter when my friend cherie brought this up. But your oh so rude reply made me furious and i expect an apology from you to my friend and me. That was for your insensible replies without thinking or looking into the matter. Instead of getting replies like "oh i didnt know" or "so sorry" you gimme fucked up lame and contradicting replies like "i didnt make it" and replies that dont even answer the the question and out of topic. You go and think about it. Sarcasm doesnt help because it just makes you look like a fool when everyone is sincere enough to solve this matter.


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