The love

Happy 6th month darling love.

Love you many many. Lmao :)

Hello singapore.
I`m done cruising with friendster and then,
since i got nothing better to do.
i shall give my point of view to FRIENDSTER boys/girls.

Ever wonder why people have so many accounts?
Because they are acting funny and wanna attract attention and not to forget adding, they got nothing better to do.
They go adding people all over the world in frienster and then they whine saying things like "ohhh i got too many friends."
not like all 3000 of them added u. 3/4 of them are added by themself.
like as if all 3000 friends u have are ur real life friends and their contact is in ur fucking phone.
haha contadicting isnt it?
alot of times they add you, and they leave u a comment.

They make people think like as though people added them

intro ur mother la intro.
seriously. are u really desperate for friends?
or u just plainly want attention from almost everyone in the world.

When u do that to everyone, (saying "intro?" in everyone`s profile)
naturally some of the person`s friends would click on ur little picture,
because ur picture appears in someone`s page.

and he/she adds u if he/she is interested in making more friends.
like i said, its a cycle.

please la. its sooooooo lame.

and people who put photos of themself ,
leaving caption like.
im so fat, or im so ugly.
are obviously trying to gain stupid attention because if their pictures are ugly or fat they would not even have put it up on their friendster and let other ppl see.
so moral of the story, they are stupid.

as i said.
this is my point of view.
if u are not happy reading this post.
just fuck off and leave.
because i love my boyfriend.

I hope that one day ,
you will hug me all of a sudden,
and tell me u need me .


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