Whole new world.

I`m sorry my boy.
I`m sorry my love.
I`m sorry my baby.
I`m sorry my boyfriend.
I`m sorry my dear.
I`m sorry my sweetie.
I`m sorry my darling.
I`m sorry my sweetheart.
I`m sorry my hubby.
I`m sorry I`m sorry I`m sorry.
Will my sorries ever mend you from what i did?
I`m sorry for being such a bad girlfriend.
To make you get hurt.
I`m sorry for the things i said to make you cry.

I dont want to hear u cry.
I hurt when u do.

I dont want you to be sad.
I will feel sad the same way too.

I dont want you to suffer.
I want you to smile.

I dont want to quarrel.
I want this to last.

I dont want to shout.
Because i know you hate to.

i know it`s my fault.
i should not have got angry over minor reasons.
i already promised not to speak too much hokkien.
And i promise to not say the word S*** ;D
I`ve never played ur feelings.
I love you and you have to know.
Muacks :)

PS: i was really SHOCKED + SURPRISED that you sent me the ring.
It was very unexpected!
Muacks bf! x3

Love Melvin Tay Bai Hua
He`s mine :D
And my promise to you,
Is to start a whole new world with you XP


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