It was suppose to be our 11th month today...


but it was gone.
long gone.

i miss him.
i still do.
what`s over is over.
he didnt want me.
i cant force him to.
just wish him all the best ,
in whatever he do.


moment of silence ;x


im not emo.
i`ll never be F3F3.

Icy , hanx , lex , HANx , who ever got the virus LOL.
hope you all get well soon~

Went to see a doctor on monday.
T_T voice still as sexy as before F4.

Met kor and jie in bunk on monday~ ^^
they are so adorable. ;D

as usual, ck tou and cloudie we all go eat pasta...
haha... haha...

dont know what to say also.

Tuesday was so sick i slept at home the whole day,
went out with old friends to have dinner.


To him ,
Dont wait for me.
For i dont feel a thing.
your youth can be made useful.
by meeting new people.
and experiencing new adventures.
i cannot exactly say we were not meant to be.
but you are not the one.
i`ve always looked for.
we can always stay as best friends.
to share secrets and everything. ;D
all these lame excuses hurt, i know.
but i`m sorry that i`ve made up my mine.
for i will never be yours.

sorry... !!!! ._.

ps: Clarence will be like "wa lao this typical lit student again."
not for u to read then dun read. F3

Feeling really very confused!
Whats going on in my life.
Does he know how i feel?
i doubt so.
or maybe he does.
but he pretends not to know.


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