Aspirations and Dreams.

When we were little, our teacher asked us what we wanted to be.

"Doctor, Scientist, Nurse, Teacher, Lawyer, Police"
We all answered.

Now life has gone so far, our dreams changed time and time again.
Some of them have found their true self, yet some are still searching.

For the people who finally knew what to choose from in life,

How many times have others tried to drill into your head what you should be?
How many times they tell you which was better paying and which was not?
How many times your heart took their advice, which was actually their own dreams?
And how many times have you truly listened to what you really wanted.

Ironically, yet, how many really got what they wanted?

Every year is going to get tougher by the steps we take.
Every breathe will be taken deeper each day.
Soon you'll see yourself panting with exhaustion,
Soon you'll see yourself escaping the pain of sweat.

Enough of senseless talk.
I already knew what i wanted.
No one is going to change it.
Im going into write and speech.

School on Friday was good,
the most relaxing lesson of enterprise module.
We did our resume and ta-dah, we're done with the day.
I went to perm my hair after school because i was not in the right mind.

It was hideous. Sigh. Now i deeply regret and i hope i could ctrl-z.
S says it was okay, but seriously??? No it is not.

And we both know it.


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