The time now is 5AM, Counted as tuesday lah!
Mommy and me have been sleeping at this hour for the past few days. :(
Her body clock siao one. PMS sia. LOL.

For the post about what Mommy did on monday, scroll down.

Today i shall blog on behalf on mommy! :D
My name is Silky Choo Siu Zhi, the terror of the house!
My Mommy is Diana.
My Auntie and Uncle are Mommy's 2 younger siblings.

I call my mommy's mom "Kaka" Cause when i am hungry i will go find Kaka and she will give me eat human food! Yummy! But Mommy always quarrel with Kaka because Mommy say Kaka give me human food not good for me. But Kaka and me dont care, EAT ONLY! Make Mommy super angry, so i only dare to eat when Mommy not at home. HEHEHEHE.

15 smelly facts about me!

1) I like to sleep on Mommy's bed because alot of blankets and soft things. ^^

2) I like to clean my mouth on Auntie's pillow after eating cause i am a very clean girl girl thats why mommy love me so much. HAHAHAHA

3) When i anyhow poo/pee, Mommy will smack me and make me stand at the newspaper area, i do not dare to move until she sayang me :( Longest time i stand there is 1hour. :( If Mommy's family member beat me and ask me stand there, i dont care them and continue walk away. LOL

4) I love to bite on Auntie and Uncle's school socks, Mommy give me clean socks i will ignore her and continue to bite the super smelly socks. Then Mommy will whack me if i dont drop it.

5) If Mommy go to toilet at night, i will wake up and follow her and wait outside the toilet until she go back to the bedroom and sleep then i sleep also.

6) I like to play with cockroach because it will try to run away while i rip its body apart. LOL. Only Kaka caught me playing with cockroach once, she tell my Mommy :( Mommy quickly bathe for me cause she say the cockroach is dirty :(

7) When Mommy play catch with me, i will catch the ball and walk back to her, but i dont wanna let go the ball in my mouth. I am a very naughty girl. Then if i continue like that, Mommy will smack my mouth until i let go.

8) I am very scared of mommy's palm cause it means she want to smack me if i dont stop what i am doing. SOB :(

9) Mommy give me eat plain ice occasionally when i am a good girl. HEHEHEHEHEHE

10) I hate kibbles because they taste like my poo. *shudders

11) I like to walk on Mommy's laptop while she is using , that make her very irritated because she is talking to this person called Andrew korkor. lol. He is the guy who keep asking me call him daddy. *BLEAH, i only want Mommy! *Stick out tongue

12) I like to follow Mommy around the house all day long because she loves me! Mommy sleep means i also sleep, Auntie Uncle wake up i also dont care, i only make sure Mommy is with me.

13) When Mommy come back home i will become ki siao and run around the house and bang into everything. But Mommy learn new skill le, When she come home, will faster carry my front legs so my hind legs cannot run and become active, after 1 min then she let me down then i wont ki siao le. LOL.

14)When i bite on anything that i find on the floor, example comb or pencil , Mommy will shout "OI" then i will guai guai put it down cause i scared Mommy whack me. LOL.

15) and last but not least, i think mommy is very fierce :(
I hope my future daddy is not as fierce. HEHEHEH
but i still love her :P!

Hehehe, Mommy took alot of pictures of me this pretty princess.

Mommy say this picture VERY NICE,
she want to put on face book and change blog pic liao. hehe.
What do you all think?

Ugly photo la.
Dunno why Mommy take so close to my face,
she think i twit sia. LOL

See i roll up in Mommy's blanket


Mommy say i look like hamster. REALLY MEH?

Btw, Mommy just now webcam with Andrew korkor, I very angry cause she dont care me liao, so i anyhow pee, but mommy didnt scold me (!) Because she forgot to put newspaper, not my fault HAHAHAHA. Si Andrew korkor, snatch away my mommy still ask me call you daddy. *Farts at Andrew korkor's face >:(

Okie, i go and sleep liao. Mommy also kinda tired, i go roll up somewhere near mommy liao. Later Mommy bringing me go see doctor. Heh. She thought it was monday, but she see wrong. It's tuesday, which is later. HEHEHEHE. Dr.Grace im ready!

Night all pals and Mommy's friends


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