14feb valentine
as you guys noticed, i changed my posts alot.
Updated the hell lotsa pics,
Scroll down for more info! :X
Met up with A, Des and Ben and head over to plazasing to shop for some stuff for our little picnic tonight.
Well, it was supposed to be a noon picnic, but because i overslept, BIG TIME. Dragged till evening and when we got all our things we need to get, its already night.
Met a couple of people whom i know around plazasing, my classmates, schoomates and a couple of random people.
We head our way to Botanic Gardens and really,
I swear i had a really fun time.
We had wine, dancing like siao, i dont know what else.
But deep inside my heart, i was enjoying myself.
I know im really happy inside because i laughed a hell lot, ate a shit load and took a truckload of pictures. :D
Trust me, this post is going to be GOD DAMN LONG. i swear man.
Picture heavy, dont like it please exit this window.

(phone cam la. .... ROFL)
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