Its over.

Hey guys, alot has been happening recently, And i didnt have time to blog about it. Exams are round the corner and killing me with every step it advances. Im worried and excited but yet not the oh so relax feel i felt 2 years ago. I met wonderful friends during my absence and had alot of shit going on. I had to leave them because of my studies and my hopefully everyday mugging plan. No more late nights, no more fun. I found out the truth from someone i cared about but never showed and it was a sweet one. He hid the truth for 1 month. Which was pretty amusing because whenever we see each other, we argue in a i hate you way and its funny one day he come telling you oh i like you kinda thing. Strange, but sweet making. There was no potential in us as it was impossible and odd. I dont know him well enough because he wouldnt let me. I dont see a point afterso. I hope all is well within Eric, Julie and the rest of the clique. Im alot fatter now and have officially gained 4 kg :) It may be happy making but i feel annoyed everything i thought of it. Im not taking pictures cause im too ugly hahaha :) oh well. Whatever honestly. I cant wait to get over and done with with my shit hole exams and pass my "DE" with flying colours too. I cannot wait to work until i die or something like that to earn all the income i desire for my future exploring adventures. Oppa, im not sure if you are reading this, but do come to singapore some time. I need your bloody annoying speeches to comfort me and stuff like that. I miss everything in japan but its the reality that knocks me hard on the head. Now, back to business.

他:...我不会采那朵花,因为...我要活下去,这样我可以用我的双眼看到你美丽的脸.当你感冒时,用我的双手拥抱你,给你温暖.当你生病时,用我的双腿跑去买粥给你.当你伤心的时后,把我的肩膀借给你,让你哭.但是 ..如果你找到一个比我爱你的人...我会采那朵花...


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