
Hi blog i'm back.
It's been 2 days since i last blogged.
Met jolene , Dillon , Ck on weds.
Me and jolene bought the same pair of slippers!
I love darling! Haha!

Went to do abit of shopping.
Then, bunk again. Lol. Went home. . . And thats the night i call him sweetie. >.< lol.

Anyway. On thurs i was having fever. So i didnt take my social studies and chem paper.
Okay. Whatever Lmao.

On friday .
Had my mt and geo paper . It was okay i hope.
Meet up with sweetie , darling jolene and Ck.
We went to bunk.
Saw tou. Sena. Didi. Mei. Alot more i guess.
Lmao. Saw icy! Yay!
That day was tou's and cloudie's 3rd month!
Grats. XD
At around 7.30 everyone was bored and stuff.
So we 4 plus shihan went to shop at orchard.
Looked at the flipflops at num.
Decided to get the same. Waiting for next week new arrival.
Haha. . .
We made member that day too!

Met up the usual peeps.
Went to eat at ljs with jolene darling and Ck.
Later on joined by little.
Darling and me saw this slipper only at 13 bucks.
Cheap can. And very very very nice!
But didnt get it because we are saving up for the num one first. XD
after the num k darling?! Haha!

Anyway. The picture for today's post is drawn by diana during geo. Lmao.


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