Audition Event.

the event is a long awaited one.

kiara asked me to come along with her .

since denise and yongbing just got attatched,
no longer wanna call them out,
i`m so gonna be a light bulb.

i agreed to meet up kiara and andy.
i met them and head off to dhoby gaut.

the place is almost empty and there`s hardly any crowds.
clarice ringed me saying she`s joining.

not long later, a bunch of people came along.
kiara pulled me and introduce them to me.
(like wth? i dont even know them)

didn`t interect with the people there until further down.

we went to KFC in the middle of the party and had lunch.

there is, h0rnniegal,trance,juzsmilez,streetdazer,
kinda recall intock as kiara`s ex boyfriend.
theres a few more but i dont really remember lol.

we had our lunch and i made quite a few friends.
at least im not that anti social.

alright, right after the dumb dumb concert we took group photo.
its weird that i just popped in LOL.
eh but who cares ^^

oh anyway we head off to marina bay?
we ate steamboat lol .

ok la. its nice and comfy there.
had lots of fun.

pretty much enjoyed that day so we all exchanged numbers
and had head home ^^

<3 wo ai audition.


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