
I apologise for the dissapearence.

I am now staying in my grandma`s house during school days.
My house which was suited at Tampines, near griffiths primary school was sold and we had to shift to redhill. Where we would temp stay until my studies in secondary school was over.

My grandma`s house does not consist of any computer.
Life was pretty simple.
I watched TV and reads newspaper all the time.
That was why i was not even active on msn or maple or habbo or any type of stuff i was indulged in.

So during school weeks,
I have not been online and chatting away.
Well, some might notice. Some might not.

Alot of things happen in these days.
Misunderstandings not resolved.
And not everyong is bothered to know all of the problem.
Most of them looked and judged upon 1 side of the story.

I am here to retrive this blog from death to living.
The post count may be little now.
But. I cant help it.


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